Music Man(ager) Share and promote your tunes with the world

Upload your music. Your music address on the web. Search other members music.

Music Manager - Let there be peace thru music.

CMXADS Music Manager

Welcome to my new music page
An artists music sharing website. A sound cloud lite version. Uses a state of the art directory database class. You can easily extend music manager and add all the features you want if you know some coding. If not, I can add anything you want for an additional fee. I included the basic Upload, delete, show members, add your own links and a comments feature and just added a IP ban so you can ban IP’s from commenting on your page. If you like I can modify music manager any way you like. I also can convert to sql if you like. Or my own SQl directory based database with full gui. Just talk to me. I will set you up. This site is cool and with HTML5. You can add a login easily I offer a free one. It is also state of the art and simple. Just put the include in the top of the page or in a config include. This template is HTML5. The HTML5 audio player at this writing plays mp3 and ogg. Get Music manager its only 10.00 and I will provide all the support to help you if you need any questions or tips!
admin’s Music Tracks
Track IDDate addedMemberTrackTitleDescription
216.10.2012.2:33amMy name is! adminconanconan

Please comment on my music