Play 2 Card Jack

Try your luck at 2 Card Jack.

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  1. Each bet or game costs 0.00000050 BTC.
  2. The house and player get 2 cards each.
  3. The highest total of the 2 hands card value wins.
  4. Highest total wins if not 21 or 2 Jacks.{Ex: bet 50 win 50 back 1:1)
  5. If player gets 21 you win 2x your bet.{Ex: bet 50 win 100 2:1)
  6. If player gets 2 Jacks you win 3x your bet.{Ex: bet 50 win 150 3:1).
  7. If a tie you get a free hand.
  8. If a tie and player gets 2 Jacks player wins.
  9. Payouts are in BTC or Cash. Your choice.

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