Inside The Php Coder Guru Free WebDev Framework App

Screen shot of the main control panel.

typingView of the landing page after you logon to database
As you can see all your databases and tables are listed on the side bar. You just click on a table to begin. Top links are to the basic database website/app builder that basic mySqli functions. The next link is for advanced oop framework generation. A link for plugins and utilities area. You get a introduction to the php guru and a link to understanding framework documents. You also have quick links to site editor, server path utility, serach and replace utility, web content language translator file builder and a links to your project directories where your websites go when you click generate all CRUD link.

Screen shot of the basic mysqli generated code.

typingFor a simple website or app build choose basic.
From the basic code generator page you select tables generate forms and all the code for a mysqli function based website application. You can customize forms and generate each page of code seperatly or click generate all CRUD and php guru will build the whole website with a click. All is left for you to do is adjust the site as you need and style to your liking. Template is in the header and footer files. The advanced framework area screen shot is on the main page.

Screen shot of the form generator.

typingGenerated custom forms.
Select the form input options you need for a particular task. All form inputs are supported. When you generate the form and the supporting code you copy this into a folder to build your app id not generating the whole site with CRUD link. NOTE: When you click generate all CRUD and code Php code guru will generate code for all fields in the table. So you have to generate another form if you dont want all the fields to display to users and replace the form file in the webdev folder with the modified form. When you generate all code you have the option to select one, any or all of the tables in that database and generate the code.

Screen shot of advanced DAO code generator.

typingGenerated DAO code with a click.
Another shot of the advanced app builder DAO code generator. You can generate all code seperately and copy to folders or you can click generate all code and all code for all tables selected will be generated and a full website app built and copied to the webdev folder. Its so easy.

Screen shot of advanced retrieve data code generator.

typingGenerated Advanced retrieve data code.
Another shot of the advanced app builder code generator. This is the code that is used for getting data. Either the listed or get one row. You can generate all code seperately and copy to folders or you can click generate all code and all code for all tables selected will be generated and a full website app built and copied to the webdev folder. Its so easy.

Screen shot of utilities control panel.

typingChoose from the list of utilities.
A shot of the utilities page with the links to each utility function. Generate classes, sql statements, extract and build form variables and more.

Screen shot of site editing area.

typingEdit any files from root directory and up.
A shot of the full site editor I just added. Full Tree directory links to every file from root and up. My custom javascript rte editor features all html5 tags and php if else for use in html.Also feature a numbered code edit area using jquery.

Screen shot of file search and replace feature.

typingSearch and replace in any files from root directory and up.
A shot of the search and replace utility I just added. Displays the root path to the script and a link to the file path utility for getting file paths if needed. Choose from case sensitive or not.

Screen shot of php framework tutorial.

typingA lesson on the Php framework and structure.
A shot of the framework lessons. You get an easy to understand lesson on the framework structure as well as an explanation of the PhpCoderGuru specifics. A free lesson in php framework anytime you need want it.

Screen shot of php plugin tutorial.

typingA lesson on how to create plugins.
A shot of the plugin lessons. yes you can write your own custom plugins for PhpCoderGuru and this will show you how. Its even easier because you can use the plugin generator on the utilities page!

Screen shot of language file generator.

typingMake your own language file.
A shot of the language file generator. You can generate a defined global variables file for phpcoderguru and for any sites you build as well.

Finally a screen shot of a one click generated website.

typingJust one click and presto.
A shot of a basic generated website application. This is the login page. The template is an all browser and device template seo friendly and easy to style using the syle sheet. All template html goes is the header and footer common file.

Packed with features to make your job easy!


  • Custom class generator just enter variable names.
  • Form extractor. Gets all the input names and make requests.
  • Build a class from a table.
  • Generate a plugin class with a click.
  • SQL statement generator.
  • XML output generator.
  • Full site editor with my own html5 and php if else tags.
  • Search and replace any string in all files in directories.
  • Site path lister for all files and directories from root.
  • Lists all your webdev projects links in your saved projects folder.
  • And much more. And I will be adding even more features!!.

Click here for more documents!

Try the Build A mySQLi Insert Form Online Utility

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  • Windows or Linux Server
  • Supporting Database Installed
  • AllowOverRideAll (include_path in htaccess)
  • Desire to build php database apps fast and easily
  • Thats it!
  • Happy coding friends!

Go from this....

To this. With Php Coder Guru