Gov Auction Ebook w resell rights From

Ready to start a new business!?

This is the definitive assortment of contact listings for you to begin your new career in the buying and selling business. People are going to buy goods from you or from someone else. Why not take advantage of the outstanding savings you can accumulate by having the government locate your acquisitions for you? You will be amazed at what they just about give away.

You always thought the government only took taxes from you. Here‘s a chance to get some back! Of course, it will probably increase your taxes as your income goes up, but that‘s a good problem to have, right?

You name it! Houses, cars, jewelry, yachts, government farm equipment, computers, firewood it’s there for the bidding and the buying! And, eventually the selling for profit!

You don’t need much experience for this. You are familiar with what many of these items cost today on the open market. If you buy it far enough below market value, you can still sell the property yourself at a discount and make a handsome profit. If you yourself have always wanted to own a luxury yacht, here’s your chance. You’ll never find your dream purchase at a lower price.

You could even start a second hand store or set up shop at a flea market or swap shop to peddle your merchandise after you’ve acquired it. Many of these places are havens for shoppers. You’ve simply gone them one better by obtaining the good(s) at an even lower price than they’ll pay and they’ll be pleased with their ‘bargain’. The purpose of our booklet is to point you in the right direction to find out about the various auctions that are held by virtually all branches of government. The listings in this book are as up to date as possible. Contacting these places listed will give you the information you need to begin your auction buying new business.

Gov Auction Ebook w resell rights
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