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Here is the script you requested.
scripts/dom-xml-scraper.txt: 1011 bytes
scraper scrape html using domxml return rip html data from file or url and display
by editing html t
ags to search for
domxml dom xml content scraper
dom-xml-scraper date added Jan 2013
// check if DomXML is ava
if (!function_exists('DomDocument')){
die('DomXML extens
ion is not available :-(');
print '<pre>';
// create new DO
M object:
dom = new DomDocument();
// load HTML code:
// get tags by tagname (all
<a> tags / links):
s = $dom->getElementsByTagName('a');
// loop trough all links:
reach ($
tags as $a){
print '<b>' . $a->nodeValue . '</b><br/>'
// does this tag have attribute
if ($a->hasAttributes
// loop trough all attributes:
foreach (
>attributes as $attribute){
print '- ' . $attrib
ute->name . ': ' . $attribute->va
print "<br/>";
print "<hr/>";
print '</p
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