= time() - 86400)// check timestamp past time less than 24 hrs { $new_file[] = $line; // push line new array } if(strpos( $users[2], 'user') ===false )// get array of bots { $bots[] = $users[2]; } if(strpos( $users[2], 'user') !==false )// get array of all users { $all[] = $users[0]; //$non_bot++; } if(strpos( $users[2], 'mobileuser') !==false )// get array of mobile users only { $mobile[] = $users[0]; //$non_bot++; } //compare time and delete lines //minutes 86400 24hrs 3600 1 hour expiration = 3 hours $i++; } //write filtered lines back to file file_put_contents($file_name, $new_file, LOCK_EX); //count page hits $hits = $i; //check for bots $bot_cnt = count((array) $bots);// count bots array if($bot_cnt > 0){// if more than 0 $bot = array_unique($bots);// array unique it $bot = implode(" ", $bot); // implode to string variable } if(empty($bot)){// if empty didsplay none $bot = " none"; } //now many unique users online //var_dump($all); //array_shift($all); $mobile_cnt = count((array) $mobile);// count mobile if($mobile_cnt > 0){// more than 0 $mobile = array_unique($mobile);// array unique $mobile = count((array) $mobile);// recount }else{ $mobile =$mobile_cnt;// else display count is 0 } $all_cnt = count((array) $all);// ditto as above if($all_cnt > 0){ $all = array_unique($all); $online = count((array) $all); }else{ $online =$all_cnt; } //var_dump($all); //display results echo "Page views today $hits
"; echo "Users online today $online
"; echo "Mobile Users today $mobile
"; echo "Bots today: $bot "; ?>